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CBDB ID: 13406
索引/中文/英文名稱: /傅瑩/Fu Ying
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 清河(ID: 4)
Fu(5) Ying [13406] Zhejiang TZ, 123.20a; Liangzhe jinshi zhi, 10.19a; Lu Dian, WJ, 16.1a-2b (wife, born Sheng, who died in 1077 at age 71). Funerary inscription for wife may not be by Lu Dian--see documentation for Sun(1) Changqing [1514]. Fu(5) Ying(2) [13407] Liangzhe jinshi zhi, 10.19b; Zhejiang TZ, 123.20b. See also concubine's, born Sheng, funerary inscription in Lu Dian, WJ, 16.1a-2b and Daughter's, wife of Liu Shu [1238], funerary inscription in Liu Yizhi, WJ, 51.11b-15b. Sheng's inscription has only two sons, Zhuanshi [13412] and Zhuanzhong (not in dataset). However, Zhuanshi is listed as Zhuanzheng's [622] younger brother in CBD, 4, 1996 and is probably a son of Ying(2) by another mother. CBD, 4, 1986.

宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(Id: 7596), 頁16463
全宋詩(Id: 57965), 頁qss_id=22587
苕溪集:五十五卷(Id: 2166), 頁太碩人傅氏墓誌銘

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 兩浙東路(Id: 12753) / 越州(Id: 12754) / 山陰12756
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

入仕門 進士類(Id:040101)
入仕別 科舉: 進士(籠統)(Id:36)

 ▪ 正授 朝奉郎 未詳。
 ▪ 太常寺博士 出處:未知。
 ▪ 正授 尚書省工部屯田司郎中 未詳。

[為官者:文](Id: 40)

四女(D4):  傅氏(劉握妻)
第二任女婿(DH2):  劉握
父(F):  傅霖
子(S):  傅傳正
子(S):  傅傳師
岳父(WF):  謝濤